It has been a long journey for me to get to this point. As I sit down & write this thought I'm still in disbelief of where I am. But I'm also overwhelmed for what's still left for me to do. Have had many visions of things I've wanted to do, one of which is precisely this. Just didn't think it would take me multiple years to finally get to the start of this new path. Life really is an odyssey of going from side to side, ever so slightly inching your way forward... but that's where the beauty lies in. Sometimes we get so caught up w/ what we have going on at the time. Face down, engines going full throttle, pedal to the metal just plowing through like a mad man. Making moves but when we stand still, look back, we realize how those "moves" we've made, were actually leaps and bounds! Let me not lose sight of the beauty my journey offers. I know many more thoughts are left for me to envision. However this excites me more than unwrapping a Mazapan w/out having it break into million pieces.

-Ezequiel V.